I made my rounds yesterday between 16:30-18:00. I was hoping that by going out later in the day I may have a better chance at seeing or hearing some wildlife. With the recent temperature fluctuations the terrain was pretty rough and inconsistent. Animal tracks were every where but it was hard to make them out. I tried taking a some pictures of them but as you can see they came out crap due to the light. Now if this was fresh snow it would be a little easier to figure what type of tracks these are. But as of right now it is either a skunk, raccoon, or the awesome possum (North Americas only marciupial). Now I was able to find out that skunks do go through a semi dormant period in the winter, finding shelter in dens for warmth. Interestingly enough female skunks have been known to huddle in groups of up to 12 in the same den while males usually den alone. So it may be that these tracks (and they where everywhere) are more likely to be raccoon or opossum. I am leaning toward a raccoon because opossums have a distinct opposable thumb on their hind legs. But I will have to go out again and really study the prints now that I know what I am looking for.
I was also able to find what is either an Eastern Cottontail (Sylvilagus floridanus) or a Snowshoe Hare (Lepus americanus) tracks. From distribution maps both are found around here.
Now from the narrowness of the front tracks, which are actually their hind legs, it looks like it is the cottontail.
As for my fisher cat pal, I was able to find several tracks but the pictures came out really bad so I will try and find some better ones after the snow fall that we may get in the next couple of days. Also, my quest to discover the owl that I heard continues but I believe my search is narrowing...